【問題】Terrace meaning in Tamil ?推薦回答
關於「Terrace meaning in Tamil」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
【問題】terrace garden meaning in tamil ?推薦回答 - 商業貼文懶人包。
Meaning and definitions of roof garden, translation of roof garden in Tamil language with similar and opposite words.: 。
terrace - Meaning in Tamil - Shabdkosh。
terrace - Meaning in Tamil, what is the meaning of terrace in Tamil dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms, usage examples and definitions of terrace in Tamil ...: 。
terrace meaning in tamil - KitkatWords。
TERRACE meaning in tamil, TERRACE pictures, TERRACE pronunciation, TERRACE translation,TERRACE definition are included in the result of TERRACE meaning in ...: 。
Tamil to English Meaning of terrace。
What terrace means in Tamil, terrace meaning in Tamil, terrace definition, examples and pronunciation of terrace in Tamil language. English-Tamil.Net | English ...: 。
Terrace Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster。
Examples of terrace in a Sentence. Noun rice growing in hillside terraces For sale: large three-bedroom house with adjoining terrace and garden.: Tamil? 。
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He is also one of the few Indian actors and the first Tamil actor to bag a ... translation of Bollywood songs Patriotic songs Guess the song Dialogues.。
Terrace in Tamil Meaning。
Tamil Meaning of Terrace - Tamil to English Dictionary with Tamil Meanings, Tamil Vocabulary - Searchable Tamil Dictionary.: 。
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Tamil Translation. power is simply the reduced ripple obtained with 12-pulse generation compared with sixpulse generation. Thanks for your vote!。
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